You Think He Really Wants The Perfect Women? But He Wants These 3 Things from You Instead…

Do you often find yourself dedicating a significant amount of time to trying to fit the image of the ideal woman that men desire?

If you’re like most women, this is probably a regular occurence.

You put in so much effort to look attractive and alluring, to present yourself as a fun, well-traveled and independent woman who doesn’t come across as needy.

You invest so much time in showing a man how perfect you would be for him, how much his life would improve with you by his side.

Yet, despite all your efforts–it never seems to work. Why is that?

Why do you put in so much effort…only to be taken for granted by the man in your life, or worse, not even noticed?

Could it be because he is immature and unable to appreciate what he has until it’s gone?

…Or could it be that you have been doing all the work for him?

If He Doesn’t Work for Your Relationship, He Won’t Appreciate its Worth

Fact: Men tend to value things that require hard work to obtain.

For example, if a man is given a college diploma without putting in the effort and years of study, he may not value it as much as if he had earned it through hard work.

Similarly, if a man is given the perfect girlfriend without having to woo her for weeks, he may not value her as much as if he had put in the effort to win her over. This is the reason why playing hard to get can be effective.

However, there is a significant issue with this strategy. Once a man believes he has successfully won you over, the tactic of playing hard to get no longer works. It is almost as if he thinks the game is over and his focus shifts to his next challenge.

This behavior can be detrimental to your relationship.

So, what can you do to prevent it from damaging your relationship?

All Women Go Through This – So You’re Not Alone. (That’s Why They Ask For Help)

Many women choose to give up on love, avoiding getting too close to men out of fear of pushing them away.

However, there are others who take a different approach and seek help. One person they often turn to is relationship coach James Bauer.

Through his work, he noticed a trend of clients complaining about men who were inconsistent in their behavior.

One moment they would be warm, affectionate, and interested, and then suddenly become distant and uninterested.

Curious about this pattern, James decided to investigate further. What he found provided an explanation for these men’s actions.

He discovered that they were lacking something crucial, and this was the reason why they were pulling away.

It had nothing to do with the women themselves, but rather a concept he termed “The Hero Instinct.”

Many Women Unknowingly Engage in Behaviors That Push Men Away — Without Ever Realizing It!

One of the most admirable qualities of women is their natural inclination towards caring for others.

It’s evident in the way you take care of your partner, always making time for him and doing anything to support him.

However, in this process, you may not realize that you are unintentionally robbing him of his purpose.

He wants to be your protector and hero, not the other way around. Men have always been fascinated by the idea of being a hero, which can be seen in their love for Marvel comics and superhero movies since childhood.

Unfortunately, most men don’t get the chance to fulfill this longing in their regular jobs. They may not be able to save the world, but they still want to win the heart of their leading lady.

It takes a great deal of courage, charm, and resilience to be a hero in everyday life. All they need is a woman who needs a hero.

But perhaps that’s not you. You are strong, independent, and capable of handling things on your own. You don’t need a man to complete you like in the movie “Jerry Maguire.”

Instead, you have a lot to offer, such as your generosity, kindness, and love.

However, this may also be the reason why you attract takers instead of heroes. If you truly desire a hero in your life, it’s essential to make it known.

Here’s how you can do that.

3 Simple Steps to Welcome a Hero into Your Life, Beginning Now

  1. Seek assistance from a man.
    Approach him for guidance on purchasing a new computer. Request him to listen to the unusual rattling noise coming from your car. Ask him to retrieve something from the top shelf. And express your sincere gratitude with a warm smile. No, this does not make you dependent. It simply shows that you have space for a man in your life.
  1. Enjoy the company of men.
    Men appreciate women who value them for who they are. So what if his place is filled with sports memorabilia? Who cares if he spends hours on his fantasy football team? And why bother about his wrinkled shirt? He’s a man, and that’s alright. You don’t need him to be more like you because you already have the feminine side of the gender equation covered.
  1. Allow him to earn your respect.
    Heroes thrive on challenges. They don’t want to be handed a medal just for showing up. They don’t want your love to be handed to them on a silver platter. They want to earn it. And there’s one thing they desire even more than a woman’s unwavering love: a challenge. So let him prove himself. You don’t have to put in the effort of winning him over. Simply sit back, relax, and let him take pleasure in winning your admiration.

Keep Learning

If this seems enjoyable to you, click on this link to view a video presentation about this tool for improving relationships. It’s a skill you can acquire once and then utilize for the rest of your life.


Alison Wood Brooks, Francesca Gino, Maurice E. Schweitzer. “Smart People Ask for (My) Advice: Seeking Advice Boosts Perceptions of Competence.” Management Science (2015): Vol. 61, No. 6

Harry’s Masculinity Report 2018

Joan F. Goodman (2009) Respect-due and respect-earned: negotiating student–teacher relationships, Ethics and Education, 4:1, 3-17, DOI: 10.1080/17449640902781356