Discover the Most Unusual Desire of Men (And How It Can Drive Him Wild for You).

Romanctic couple enjoying time together
Romantic couple enjoying time together

Have you ever found yourself drawn to a man without any logical explanation?

Perhaps you’ve even developed feelings for someone you would rather not be attracted to.

But why does this occur?

How is it possible to fall in love when our conscious minds resist it?

These experiences suggest that there is a hidden force at play, influencing our romantic desires.

This hidden force revolves around our emotional reactions, which we have little control over consciously.

In reality, falling in love is not a conscious decision.

It is more akin to becoming thirsty – you don’t actively choose to feel thirsty, but you eventually become aware of it.

And the more intense your thirst becomes, the more difficult it is to ignore.

Have You Ever Heard of the Concept of a “Thirst” in Relationships That All Men Go Through?

It’s a Craving That Cannot Be Satisfied by Himself. Do You Want To Know What Exactly He is Yearning For?

(If you want the answer right away, watch this video that reveals how to ignite his desire for something he really wants and yearns for. Plus, I’ll teach you how to be the only person he relies on to fulfill this strong longing.)

Here’s why your man can’t tell you what he truly craves in your relationship

… He’s too embarrassed to admit the truth. This is because admitting to this desire would push him further away from his goal.

Let me explain why.

Imagine a woman who is frustrated that her man never does anything romantic.

She finally opens up and shares her desire to feel pursued and romanced by him.

But he acts like she’s being unreasonable and asks her to name one thing that’s missing from their relationship.

So she gives him an example. “It would be nice to receive flowers once in a while. Just simple things like that.”

The next day, he brings her flowers. But the specialness of the gesture is lost because she had to ask for it.

It’s similar for men, but with a different type of relationship need.

You see, men have an insatiable thirst for your admiration. However, they can’t ask for it.

They can’t say, “Julie, I really like you, but here’s what’s missing in our relationship.

You don’t admire me enough. You seem to admire other men in your life more, and that makes it hard for me to see a future with you.”

They can’t say that because men believe admiration must be earned. Asking for it is like trying to become popular by announcing you are a cool person. It doesn’t work like that.

He will only feel like a hero to you when you communicate admiration through non-verbal cues. He has to read between the lines of what you say and do.

Now, you may be thinking, “That’s not so crazy. I understand why a man craves admiration.” But if you’re thinking that, there’s something important I need to tell you.

It’s Not Just That Men Crave Admiration. It’s That He is Unable To Maintain That Feeling of Being “in love” Without it.

A man’s attraction can be quickly destroyed by a relationship in which he doesn’t feel needed.

He desires to be seen as a provider and admired for his ability to provide.

When he doesn’t feel needed, he may feel less masculine and lose his desire for romance.

However, simply giving him admiration is not enough; he must believe that he has earned your trust, admiration, and respect.

But the good news is, making him earn your admiration can be enjoyable and effortless once you know how to set him up for success.

All you have to do is just find ways to make him feel like your hero.

It’s important to note that there is an art to doing this in a way that will make him crazy about you.

I have witnessed women using this simple concept to easily win over a man’s heart. As a relationship coach, I have seen what works and what doesn’t, and it all boils down to one thing:

Triggering His Hero Instinct.

When you do this, you will be amazed by the transformation in him.

He will become more loving, attentive, and interested in a committed, long-term relationship, and you will never want things to go back to the way they were.

The hero instinct is a subconscious drive that causes a man to gravitate towards people who make him feel like a hero, and this is especially powerful in romantic relationships.

This concept has the potential to change your life, and that’s why I have created an online video presentation where you can learn how to use it for your own benefit.

The act of triggering a man’s hero instinct is a skill in itself, but mastering it repeatedly requires some helpful tips and techniques.

While it may seem like women no longer need rescuing in today’s society

The ironic truth is that men still crave the opportunity to be a hero.

It is ingrained in their DNA to seek out relationships where they can fulfill the role of a provider.

This minor variation in genetic makeup plays a significant role in what attracts men to women.

They are naturally drawn to those who allow them to be a hero, satisfying their innate desire for social status.

The most fascinating aspect of this is that the man may not even be aware of why he is so drawn to a particular woman.

This subtle approach can trigger subconscious attraction and create an irresistible pull on his emotions.

Even if his friends ask him why he is so enamored with the woman, he may struggle to put it into words.

Our Feelings of Attraction are Influenced by a Hidden World

That Much is Certain. However, We now possess the ability to uncover one significant aspect of this hidden world. And The Best Part Is, It is Something Within Our Control.

The phenomenon is not limited to only chemists’ observation, such as levels of the bonding hormone oxytocin in blood. It is actually something you can perceive all around you once you are able to identify it.

It is a pattern of interaction between men and women, something that relationship experts have always been aware of but failed to acknowledge its influential role. This trigger incites his yearning for companionship.

How Can You Utilize This Trigger To Cultivate Passion and Romance?

The simplest way is to express your desires in a way that resonates with his innate drive to provide, serve, love, and protect. It taps into his desire to be a hero to someone.

If this sparks your interest, click here to discover more about this tool for enhancing relationships.

It is a skill that can be learned once and applied for a lifetime.

You already have your own needs and wants, so why not learn how to articulate them in a way that triggers his hero instinct?

Then bask in the warmth and passion that only a man who has had his hero instinct activated can offer.

A woman who knows precisely how to fulfill his thirst.

Wishing you all the best for a bright future,


1. Storey, B.. “The Problem of Admiration in Rousseau’s “Sad and Great System”.” The Journal of Politics 73 (2011): 735-747.

Reis HT, Lemay Jr EP, Finkenauer C. Toward understanding understanding: The importance of feeling understood in relationships. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 2017:11(3):e12308. doi:10.1111/spc3.12308

Schindler, I. et al. “Admiration and adoration: Their different ways of showing and shaping who we are.” Cognition and Emotion 27 (2013): 118 – 85.